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We Are Looking for Talented Writers to Join Zixpk!



It’s been just over a year and a half since I launched Since then, this website has gone through a number of changes. Originally, I launched Zixpk with the intention for it to become a gadget blog. Over time, our passion transitioned from gadgets to design. Since the beginning I have produced just about all the content on this site. It's a daunting task to do especially when you have to keep an eye on all the elements of our web page such as our hosting, advertising, answering emails that you guys send in, our forum, comment moderation, resizing wallpapers, making original posts, and on top of all of that I am still a student in high school, and I have a part time job. I’ve been holding off on making a big announcement regarding guest authors because I wanted to slowly transition into it but today I’m finally ready to announce the fact that is ready to accept guest authors.

What Types of Articles Are We Looking For?

We are currently seeking all types of design-related articles including:
  • Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, and InDesign tutorials.
  • Design resources; such as Photoshop and Illustrator brushes, vectors, textures, and seamless patterns.
  • Articles on a variety of design-related subjects.
  • Web roundups and lists.
  • Blogger / Wordpress articles
  • Icon / themes features
  • Interviews with designers
We are pretty open to just about anything and we are always open to your suggestions so feel free to pitch any topic that interests you.

Steps for Writing Articles
  1. Please pitch your article using the form below.
  2. Once your idea has been approved, you will be invited to join as a publisher.
  3. Start writing you post here (you can save and keep working on it when you have time) and do not publish until we give you the green light.
  4. We reserve the right to edit your articles to conform to our standards and practices.
  5. Once you have written your article and it has been checked to meet our standards, it will go live to all our visitors.

Copyright and Ownership
  • As the author you may use any article, tutorial, graphic, or design resource in your personal or professional works. You may not however resell or redistribute the content on any other website.
  • You grant a license to the readers of this site to use the knowledge and information you have provided to use in their own work.
  • You grant a license to Zixpk to be the exclusive online publisher of your work. You may publish excerpts from your article on your website for instance but the article may not be published in its entirety on any other site.
  • You may publish your article or tutorial offline, in a book or magazine for instance; as long as it is not republished online.

Submission Requirements
  • Images can be any height but please ensure that all images are exactly 565 pixels wide.
  • Ensure that all of your text has been checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

Credit All Your Sources

On this website we take intellectual property seriously. By submitting your article or tutorial you agree that the content that you have provided is your original work and is not the property of some one else. Plagiarism is not tolerated on this website, don’t do it and please don’t try!

Pitch Your Idea!

Now that all of the legal stuff is out of the way, please pitch your idea using the form below.

Your Name
Your Email Address

Comment (1)

Would games be part of zixpk at all? I'd be interested in taking a position for reviewing the new PC games on the market.

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