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HD Wallpaper | Author: Kode Abdo | Information: Read | (?)

About this artist:
"I’m a graphic designer from Melbourne, Australia. I first started drawing when I was 6 years old, I still haven’t taken the pen out of my hand. After transferring my skills to a digital platform I’m still here where I have been working for the past 4 years. I’m still learning new skills along the way and being taught many different styles. I have been trying to create my own and my thirst for knowledge is something that never goes away. No matter how much I take I will always love doing collaborations with other talented people to learn their take on design and learn off that foundation, to create a major outcome and to be remembered for what I have done. So I have come into this designer’s battle field armed with my sketch book in one hand and my camera in the other, fighting to survive this colorful war."

Comments (9)

This wallpaper has an outstanding level of detail. great job!

Amazing detail. Also has a good meaning.


this is an excellent example of sneaky subliminal advertising.

Another amazing wallpaper and it, here in Zixpk, is always my favorite site for sexiest wallpaper. Thanks :)

That was really amazing. You are really gifted with that wonderful talent. Keep it up. You are doing a great job. What you did was really awesome. Thank you for sharing this.:)

@ Khunna

Thank you for constantly coming to and knowing that you will only find the best content/ wallpapers around.

I know that I haven't taken my time to respond to many peoples comments, but I do read most of them. I will try to respond more often now.

This is midtown right above times square, nyc ... I used to work a block or two away from here. Awesome design.

I love this one. The detail is incredible. Great work, man.

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