About this artist:
If you browse our incredible list of wallpapers here on Zixpk.com, you will must likely notice how few car wallpapers we have. The only ones that have been featured to date are "Imagine II," "Aston Martin," "Maserati Gran Turismo 2008," and "Need for Speed". Its usually rare when we find an outstanding HD car wallpaper that deserves to be featured on Zixpk.com. Thankfully Codemasters who are the creators of the video game Grid provided us with this wallpaper to spice up our desktops.
*Update: Thanks everyone for telling us the real creator of this wallpaper :)
This is what im talking about :) Thank u!
This is fking great!
I were the one whom disliked the Fox pic but this one is amazing!
Yours faithfully
That wallpaper is from the video game called Grid. You can just Google "Grid Wallpaper" and find it. Here is another version http://ofp.parsaspace.com/wallpaper/wallpaper_race_driver_grid_02_1600.jpg
So whoever sent that in didn't make it themselves.
hell yeah :)
Great Wallpapers... Hei Anonymous!! Donk Junking!!!
yeah anonymous its from the racing game grid i knew the minute i saw the cars needs more creativity whoever posted this picture
Thank you all for telling us the true creators of this wallpaper :) Your help was much appreciated.