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My Sony PSP On Ebay



I am selling my beloved Sony PSP on ebay (Click here to see my listing). The reason why I am doing this is to raise some funds in order to pay for the services that Zixpk uses. I have to pay for our picture hosting, our file hosting, and our forum. The advertising on is not enough revenue to pay for everything. So I have been forced to sell my PSP on ebay.

Update: This PSP has been set aside for a friend who wants to buy it. If for some reason he does not want it anymore, it will be listed again on eBay.

My PSP is one of the first originals and it is in wonderful working condition. You can read more about the description on my ebay listing.

If you would like to help us out please bid on our auction. You will get an amazing PSP which I am sure you will have a ton of fun with.

Or if you would like to donate to help us raise enough funds to pay off our bills please click on the paypal link below and donate any amount that you want. Thank you all.

Comment (1)

That's really a sad news :(
You have a nice website with liking stuff.
I advice you to use Google Adsense on your site.

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