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Featured Workspace: # 2


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This post is part of our regular series of posts showing some of the most outstanding and inspiring desks that users are lucky enough to have all around the globe.

This featured workspace owner is John Sorenson:

"This is the product of a remodel job I did in my home, replaced window, installed a new Maple floor, baseboards and rim, put in a reeded glass door and custom built in the desk. I couldn't find a desk that served my purposes so I just built one into the space. I custom ordered the legs and the rest was taken care of with a few trips to home depot. I really wanted the separation between "work" space and "creative" space... And with all this audio equipment, I didn't want to overcrowd myself when I was paying bills, working from home, or anything like that. It's really a good "his & her's" setup, but I took both sides for myself. The ceiling is only 4' high on either side, but the paint scheme and the configuration makes good use of the limiting height. I took this into consideration that I had to keep the middle area open to access the desks."

Comments (4)

wow!!! I really love that big desk space between the two computers.

outstanding setup!!!

looks good but the computers/monitors are a big let down. they are really small and ugly.

i think this one is more functional than display.

I agree, the actual computers/monitors don't look that great but the desk and room layout is outstanding!

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