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Hire me



My name is Kenneth Lemus and I am a designer, blogger, and a student. In addition to being the founder of, I am in the constant pursuit to become a computer engineer and do everything possible to keep gaining experience. If you are looking for a designer/blogger with a wide range of experience in the industry who is knowledgeable about design as well as communications and implementation and would like to hire me for a freelance, full-time job, or part-time job, please feel free to contact me at (continue reading to find out more)

  • As of right now I would be able to work weekdays from 3pm-7pm and weekends from 7am-11pm.
  • As of June 23 (once school is over) I can work any day from 7am-11pm
  • If you live in New York (in the Hudson Valley), I would be able to work anywhere that is most convenient.
  • If you live outside of New York, or a location that is too far to travel I can only offer to work from home. (Communication would be whatever you find suitable).
What I can offer you:

I am a fairly quick learner and a bright pupil, so I can basically do anything that you require. I am extremely organized and have an eye for functionality and design.
  • I can help you with anything with your website: setting up your blog, redesigning your blog, maintaining your comments section, and implementing new features.
  • I can write and publish fresh new content that is related to you websites posts.
  • Data entry: I know that this can be a fairly boring job as I have done this before but I'm always willing to do more.
  • If hired on site I can: run errands, assist in any creative process, help customers gain information about a product, and do anything else required.
  • I can do anything :)
Contact me:

If you are willing to give me a shoot and are thinking about hiring me, please send me an email to with your job opening.I hope to hear from you soon!

Comments (5)

I hope you get the job you are looking for :) You seem like a motivated individual.

Just don't abandon us please...

@ Stevo:

Lol don't you worry. has evolved so much that I would never even think about abandoning it. Its my baby that I have been nurturing for nearly a year now.

Hope a billion dollar company hires you deserve it!

hope you get a good job

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