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Thank you for your interest in our sponsorship programs. On Zixpk we have several options available to help promote your product or service. These options include banner ads, reviews, text links, and even ways to help push time-sensitive promotional items.

Banner Ads

If you would like to purchase a banner ad, you can select from a variety of options from our Buy Sell Ads page.

Placement and Size:

1 Banner: 300 px × 250 px available at the top right of every page.
1 Banner: 300px x 125 px available at the top right of every page.
4 Banners: 125 px x 125 px available at the top right of every page.

Visit for more information.


We are always happy to write reviews regarding your project. If you have a product or service that you would like us to review, please contact us and let us know about your idea.

Contests & Giveaways

Contests and giveaways can be a very effective means of promoting your product. If you would like us to give away or promote your product on this website, please contact us with details.

Text Links

If you would like a text link to your website displayed in our sidebar, we would be happy to accommodate your request. Text links are available for $30/month for a minimum of 6 months. To arrange a text link, please contact us.

Time-Sensitive Promotions

We understand that sometimes you may only need advertising for a short period of time to push a product, sale, event, or promotion that you are running. Sometimes it only make sense to promote your event for the week of or the week prior to the event. If you would like us to help you promote your event, we can post a short text message on every page of this site directing our readers towards your event. This message can be placed on our site for 3 – 7 days and can be a very effective means of getting the word out about your event.

Pricing Options
3 Days: $15
4 Days: $25
5 Days: $30
6 Days: $40
7 Days: $50

If you wish to advertise or have any questions, please fill out the contact form below or just email us at

Your Name
Your Email Address


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